
Sunday, July 24, 2016

5 Things You Have to Know Why Are You In A Relationship?

Why Are You In A Relationship?
There's always a reason behind
everything people do in life, either
it's deliberately done or they were
influenced consciously or
In this present age, hardly would
you see a person who's not in a
relationship or who has not at one
time be in a relationship. And
when I mean relationship, I mean
the opposite sex relationship.
Being in a relationship is not a
crime but the outcome of your life
would determine whether it's the
one you need or not.
Some relationship had helped
some people to grow while some
are groaning in theirs. Some had
benefited from their relationship
while some are becoming victims
of several issues in theirs. Some
had have their lives well shaped
towards the attainment of their
purpose or dreams while some
have been trapped in the
relationship that stole their
virtues, kill their dreams and is
gradually destroying their
Why are you in a relationship? If
the following describes your
reasons for being in a relationship
then you need to watch it, or
you'll end up becoming used,
abused or wasted.
1. Loneliness
Going into a relationship because
you're lonely is not the best
reason for having a relationship.
It's better to find a cure to your
loneliness than to make someone
your cure for loneliness.
When someone becomes your
cure for loneliness, you'll become
a pest and they are likely to take
advantage of you if you're not
There are lots of things you can
engage in that would be a cure for
your loneliness. Learn a trade or
acquire a skill, be busy with your
academics or face your work
squarely, establish your
relationship with God and strive to
discover your purpose in life.
Would you say all of these are
boring or not a cure? See,
loneliness is a disease and if you
don't find a cure to it, getting
married won't help either let
alone going into a casual
2. Wants to catch fun
Those who live by pleasure will be
destroyed by pleasure (1 Tim. 5:6)
. If your sole aim for going into a
relationship is to catch fun, you'll
get the fun but would be
destroyed afterwards.
The likes of premarital sex,
kissing, petting, erotic
conversations, partying, aimless
social media relationship, clubbing
and so on aren't fun. Only unwise
folks will call these fun because
they'll destroy you in the long
You'll waste the productive years
of your life in chasing shadows,
give your efforts to futility and at
the end, you'll live your old age in
regrets. This time of your life is
meant for laying a solid
foundation for your future so that
you can enjoy the works of your
hand at old age.
But if you go into a relationship
for fun while you're meant to
build your life, you'll become a
waste to your life and generation.
Being single and not in a
relationship isn't a curse but a
3. Wants to learn
Some people believe that being in
the relationship will make you
learn how the opposite sex
behaves so that when you get
married you'll have experience.
Who told you that?
You don't learn by entering into a
relationship when you're naive,
learn from other's who got it right
or wrong. Gather much-needed
theoretical knowledge and you can
practice what you learn when
you're ready for a serious
relationship leading to marriage.
Most times, curiosity kills than it
4. To have a purposeful friendship
Only few people go into
relationship with a purposeful
intention. This kind of relationship
are very rare to find because it
takes time to see people who
share similar values and belief
with you.
This is the kind of relationship that
the Bible describes in Proverbs
27:17, "As one piece of iron
sharpens another, so friends keep
each other sharp" - (ERV).
If you're an 'iron' don't make
friends with a 'wood' or 'stone'
that would blunt your life and
destiny. Pray and take time to look
for them so that they can help
your life. Go into a relationship
for purpose and not for pleasure
It is good if he or she is helping
you to learn the things you don't
know but if they're using you to
learn what they know, run for
your life!
5. Being intimidated
Some people's entry into a
relationship is borne out of
intimidation, all their friends are
into a relationship so they
thought it right to have on.
And because they're unwise, they
entered into the one that would
destroy their lives. If you're
deceived, lured or coerced into a
relationship and you yield, you'll
face the consequence yourself.
Nobody entered into a
relationship without a reason, it
could be situational or made out
of a choice but the most
important thing is to evaluate
your life within the few weeks,
months or years you're in it.
Is it helping you to grow or
making you to groan?

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